CMAL Updates Position on Metropolitan Council

The Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues of Women Voters (CMAL) announces its updated position on governance of the Metropolitan Council.  Based upon the report of its study committee, members of all local leagues across the metropolitan area overwhelmingly voted to support the following:

  • Appointment of Metropolitan Council members and its Chair by the Governor,
  • Fixed staggered terms for Metropolitan Council members with removal only for cause, and
  • Metropolitan  Council members should have a regional perspective, knowledge of regional issues, reflect demographic diversity and be able to meet the time requirements to serve effectively.

Annual Meeting May 7 in Maplewood

The 2019 annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 in the new Wakefield Park Community Building at 1725 Prosperity Road in Maplewood. A social hour will begin at 5 pm with dinner at 6 pm. The business meeting will begin at 7 pm. Members will elect new officers, approve a budget, and set the local program for the 2019-20 year. This year, we are offering a full dinner featuring Parmesan Crusted Chicken for $26. A vegetarian option is also available for that price.


Becoming American Series - Immigration and Family and Community Support

On Thursday, March 14, the LWV Roseville Area will co-host with the Shoreview Library and Do Good Roseville the fifth program in a six-session series on immigration experiences in America.The program, Family and Community, will be held at the Shoreview Library, 4560 N. Victoria (just north on Victoria off Hwy. 96) from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.


CMAL Consensus of Metropolitan Council Governance

If you were not able to attend the February 19th League meeting reviewing the CMAL study update of the Metropolitan Council and would like to participate in the consensus process, a video of the presentation and discussion is available here. A written study summary was sent out with the February Voter and is also available on our website.  Click here to obtain a copy of the consensus questions.  Print it out, fill in your opinions and mail the form to Karen Schaffer by March 1. 


February 19 Voter

The February issue of the Voter contains information about many upcoming events that LWV Roseville Area is sponsoring:

  • February 14 - fourth in the Becoming American film series at the Shoreview Ramsey County Library (co-sponsors Do Good Roseville and Ramsey County LIbrary
  • February 19 - Presentation and discussion of report by CMAL on the Metropolitan Council, including consensus questions
  • February 19 - A breakfast co-sponsored with Suburban Ramsey Family Collaborative to promote their new housing initiative for homeless students "Homework Starts at Home"
  • March 5 and April 2 - Civic Literacy 101, co-sponsors Do Good Roseville and Roseville Library

Martin Brown Grant Award Completed

Notification occurred in January that the required follow-up report for the Martin Brown Grant Award had been received, reviewed, and accepted.  $500 in additional funds have been received by Treasurer, Joyce Briggs, bringing the total of Martin Brown Grant monies to LWVRA to $1000.  The Grant funds were used to expand Voter Services Activities in 2018, especially in the area of Community Engagement.

Conversations with Constituents - Questions and Answers

How are our communities and county dealing with transit and infrastructure needs, green initiatives to respond to our changing climate, and budget challenges? These and other key issues came into focus at this year's "Conversations with Constituents" on January 15 at Roseville City Hall.  On hand were mayors from our five cities, four Ramsey county commissioners and two local school board representatives for timely and thoughtful conversations with 60 in attendance, including 38 LWV-RA members!

As we broke out into three groups, topics covered were wide-ranging, including water quality,environment, transit, city comprehensive plans, healthcare challenges, affordable housing, budget challenges and opportunities, and gun safety issues. Here is a link to CTV15's recap of the event.

