Affordable Housing

Prior Crossing Tour

LWV Roseville Area members, as part of the affordable housing study, toured Prior Crossing in St. Paul.  The facility is 44 studio appartments for homeless aged 16-24.  The Wilder Foundation provides on-site services, and the facility was built and is administered by Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative.  We were extraordinarily impressed by the services available to residents and its facilities.  Our tour leader, Denise Ellis, assured us that our voices are the most powerful and valuable resource we can use to promote the cause of affordable housing.

This photo shows what greets every resident when they enter their own apartment for the first time.  There will be a full article in the July-August issue of The Voter.  


See Video of October 21 Housing Panel

Chip Halbach, recently retired, long-time Executive Director of the Minnesota Housing Partnership, and Gail Dorfman, Metropolitan Council representative and Executive Director of St. Stephen’s Human Services, discussed housing issues and the role of the Metropolitan Council on Oct. 21. The meeting was sponsored by the Council of Met-ropolitan Area Leagues, Centennial Methodist Church, and our League chapter.  CTV Channel 15 recorded the event, and it can be viewed on their website here.  

League Hosts Housing Panel October 21








The Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues of Women Voters (CMAL) will host a panel of housing experts at an October 21 (Saturday) meeting.  The League of Women Voters supports fair housing and equality of opportunity for housing for all persons. Speakers will discuss housing issues, including city comprehensive plan housing updates and the role of the Metropolitan Council. The meeting is co-sponsored by the Roseville Area League and Centennial Methodist Church.

Panelists are:

  • Chip Halbach, long-time Executive Director of the Minnesota Housing Partnership
  • Gail Dorfman, Metropolitan Council Representative and Executive Director of St. Stephens Human Services
  • Cathy Bennett, Housing initiative, Urban Land Institute