January 2020 Voter

The January Voter is full of great information and photos.  Included are articles about:

  • A recap of the December Centennial/Holiday party, along with photos
  • An article about the Presidential Nomination primary
  • Several articles on upcoming events, including Conversations With Constituents on January 16
  • An article by Florence Sprague on non-violent demonstrations based on the Letter from Birmingham Jail written by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

CMAL Meeting: Our Region * Our Quality of Life * Our Future - January 11

Todd Graham, Met Council Principal Forecaster, provided a copy of his presentation shared with members on January 11, 2020..  You can view it by clicking here.

Council on Metropolitan League of Women Voters (CMAL) invites you to a meeting where Todd Graham, Met Council Principal Forecaster, will set the table for a prioritization activity led by our Committee to Review CMAL Program for Action.  Come and learn from Todd Graham and the Committee to Review CMAL Program for Action, and then make your priorities  known for CMAL's future studies!  Todd knows all about the future in terms of employers, employees, workforce, household formation, land use, housing - etc. etc.  His information will help us find our CMAL forward.  And our CMAL Committee will carry the ball forward!


Presidential Primary 2020

The Minnesota Secretary of State's office has put together information about the upcoming Presidential Primary.  Due to a change in state law, Minnesota for the first time will hold a presidential primary on March 3, 2020.  You can see all the information provided, including information on absentee and early voting, by going to the MN Secretary of State web page

Early voting begins January 17, 2020.

Novermber/December 2019 Voter

This issue of The Voter contains many articles, including:

  • Information on the November 19 program A Place for Everyone, which includes a panel on affordable housing.  
  • The Dinner Theater celebration: From Seneca Falls to South St. Paul on December 12 at Gulden's Restaurant.  
  • Recaps of two October events: Women in Politics and Why We Can't Afford Not to Have Health Care for All.
  • Florence Sprague's article about the need to assist people who have been incarcerated to reintegrate into society

Organizing Conference League of Women Voters Minnesota

100 years ago, on October 28-29, 1919, our founding members took the first step to incorporate and mobilize the League of Women Voters Minnesota. A copy of the original program is available, as a reminder of our ambitious beginning, and as tribute to the women who blazed the trail that led us to today.  To see the program, click here.


Environmental Subcommittee

The LWV of Roseville Area’s Environmental Subcommittee is dedicated to improve public awareness of our climate change crisis. We provide educational programs and advocate for government and citizen actions on solutions to this
very critical existential problem of our time. We present an environmental program every April as a salute to Earth Day, April 22. We also sponsor a June field trip to educate and involve our communities. We count as recent successes
