Voter Services Committee Expands to Serving Senior Residences

Members of the Voter Services Committee offered voter registrations and assistance with completing applications for Absentee Ballots at two Senior Care Residences, New Perspectives and Johanna Shores.  The most need was for help with Absentee Ballot Applications.  At New Perspectives, 9 residents were registered to vote and 19 assisted with Absentee Ballot Applications.  At Johanna Shores, 77 residents were assisted to apply for Absentee Ballots.  Those who volunteered for this effort were Rita Mills, Sherry Hood, Alana Howey, Donna Peterson, Beth Reinhart, Grace Gee, Brenda Himrich, Barb Luck, and Karen Lake.


Viewing/Discussion of U.S. Drug Costs Documentary

The Roseville Area Advocates for Minnesota Health Plan will host a viewing of the documentary “Big Pharma:  Market Failure” on September 20. The 50-minute film explores the problem of extreme drug prices in the U.S. and how they impact the public, businesses and the economy. The event will take place at 6:30 p.m. at  the Autumn Grove Park Building, 1395 Lydia Ave. W., Roseville.


Candidate Forums Scheduled for 2018 Election

LWV Roseville Area is sponsoring Candidate Forums for the candidates running in area elections. The purpose of the Candidate Forum is to give voters an opportunity to hear candidates discuss the issues of importance to them in this election. The candidates will answer written questions from the public during these moderated events. Written questions will also be accepted via email until noon the day of the event at  The event is free and open to the public.  Here is the list of Candidate Forums:

Voting Information

The Minnesota Secretary of State's Office contains information that you may find helpful as the General Election nears.  Go to to locate your polling location for the November 6 general election.  There  you can also find a sample of your ballot and a listing of candidates with links to their websites.  Voting is your personal power!  Use it.  Don't waste it.  Be a voter!

LWV Observer Corps Training - September 11

Participants will receive a League button and learn about the purpose of observing local government meetings (city, school district, county), procedures for being a League observer, topics that we have positions on and how to report in after the meeting. Tuesday, September 11, 6:30-8 pm.  Lexington Park Building, 2131 Lexington Avenue N., Roseville.  Everyone is invited – new or experienced!  Bring friends.

Support for Assalam Mosque, President Sherry Hood

It was shocking to hear of the vandalizing of the Assalam Mosque in Maplewood on July 29th. The League of Women Voters Roseville Area, which includes Maplewood, condemns this kind of harassment. In our democracy, we support everyone's First Amendment constitutional right to the establishment of and free exercise of their religion. We offer our total support to the Assalam Mosque. 
