Prior Crossing Tour

LWV Roseville Area members, as part of the affordable housing study, toured Prior Crossing in St. Paul.  The facility is 44 studio appartments for homeless aged 16-24.  The Wilder Foundation provides on-site services, and the facility was built and is administered by Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative.  We were extraordinarily impressed by the services available to residents and its facilities.  Our tour leader, Denise Ellis, assured us that our voices are the most powerful and valuable resource we can use to promote the cause of affordable housing.

This photo shows what greets every resident when they enter their own apartment for the first time.  There will be a full article in the July-August issue of The Voter.  


May-June 2018 Voter

In this issue of The Voter, you will find articles about:

  • The upcoming field trip on June 13 to visit Prior Crossing, a housing facility for homeless youth in St. Paul
  • A message from President Rita Mills on the challenge to get new voters to the polls
  • A recap of the two April unit events, and of the May annual meeting, and
  • An article from Florence Sprague with recommendations for books in the genre of graphic literature

We think you will find it an interesting issue.  There will be no separate June issue.

LWV Roseville Area to March in Rosefest Parade June 25

After a seven year absence, LWV Roseville Area will have a presence in the Rosefest Parade on Monday, June 25.  We will be carrying the banner Marching is Not Enough. Vote. and probably other signs about voting.  We won’t try to do voter registration.  We’ll just be reminding the crowds that League is around and encouraging them to vote.  It should be a fun time.  The course starts at Roseville High School at 6:15 p.m. and we march to Lexington, turn left past Central Park and then turn on County Road C and finish at Civic Center Drive.  It’s one mile long.  Please contact June Stewart at  or Sherry Hood at to get more details and let us know you will be participating.  We hope to see you there.


What's Possible in Housing? June 13

LWV Roseville Area is taking a housing field trip.  On Wednesday, June 13, 11:00 a.m., we will visit Prior Crossing, a 44-studio apartment facility on University Avenue for homeless youth.  Built by Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative and managed by CommonBond, it is one of many Beacon residences for homeless and low-income individuals and families throughout the area. We will tour the facility and participate in a presentation that explores all of the housing options Beacon provides including a future development for men re-entering the community after incarceration, a group that has a particularly difficult time finding homes.

If you would like to attend please send your contact information to Bonnie Koch,  Specific information about the meeting and parking will be sent out just prior to the date.  Those who are interested may carpool from the Roseville Oval parking lot.  Interested Leaguers will have an opportunity to lunch together after the meeting.


RAHS Voter Registration May 8

The League of Women Voters, Roseville Area, will be offering voter registration to the Roseville Area High School Area students over their lunch periods in the cafeteria on Tuesday, May 8th.  After the March, time to register and vote!  Below are the requirements to register:

  • Be 18 by Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018
  • Be a citizen of the United States and a resident of Minnesota
  • Have a valid ID to show, a MN Drivers’ License, Permit, or a MN ID card number
  • If none of the above ID’s, know the last four digits of your Social Security number

If a Student has a Drivers’ License but forgets it, the Social Security number cannot be used but a registration form may be taken to complete and mail in.  On-line voter registration, as well as same-day registration at the polls are also a means to register.

My Story, My Truth: Film and Discussion May 24

Everyone has a story to tell, and when you create opportunities for those stories to be told and listened to, something amazing starts to happen.  In early January, 20 men and women of color sat down at CTV Studios in Roseville to speak about a time when they have been personally discriminated against and how it has shaped their lives.  These stories have been turned into a film by CTV. 


Fairview Alternative High School Voter Registration May 3

The League of Women Voters, Roseville Area, will be offering voter registration to students and parents on the evening of Thursday, May 3rd, during Family Conferences Night at Fairview Alternative High School.  People are encouraged to register and then Be A Voter!  Below are the requirements to register:

  • Be 18 by Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018
  • Be a citizen of the United States and a resident of Minnesota
  • Have a valid ID to show, a MN Driver's Lilcense, Permit, or a MN ID card number
  • If none of the above IDs, know the last four digits of your Social Security number

If a person has a Driver's License but forgets it, the Social Security number cannot be used, but a registration form may be taken to complete and mail in.  On-line voter registrations, as well as same-day registration at the polls are also a means to register.

April 2018 Voter

The latest issue of The Voter contains articles about:

  • The April 17 meeting, whose topic will be Minnesota's Next Steps to Renewable Energy
  • Information on the May 1 Annual Meeting
  • Work of the Voter Services committee in registering new voters
  • Reflections on the March for Our Lives rallies in St. Paul and Baltimore

plus many more.

