Wherefore the Metropolitan Council? - Saturday, October 20

The Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues of Women Voters (CMAL) presents a panel of experts who will answer questions about how the Metropolitan Council should be governed and what the current controversy is: Deb Dyson (Minnesota House legislative analyst), Keith Carlson (Executive Director of Minnesota Inter-County Association), C. Terrence Anderson (University of Minnesota Center for Urban & Regional Affairs), and Patricia Nauman or designee (Association of Metro Municipalities).  This event is part of the CMAL process for evaluating its current positions on the Metropolitan Council and will be the subject of consensus questions in February 2019.

The program will be on  Saturday, October 20, with coffee and sign-in at 9:30 am and the program from 10-12 p.m., at the Autumn Grove Park Gathering Center, 1365 Lydia Ave. W., Roseville. This event is free and open to the public.

The Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues (CMAL) is an Inter-League Organization made up of all of the local LWVs in the seven-county Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. This ILO was founded over 50 years ago to educate metro area LWVs and the general public on issues and concerns specific to the Twin Cities region. The goal is to to increase knowledge and effectiveness of all League members and the public to address governmental issues and problems. Through lobbying and advocacy, CMAL helped to pass the groundbreaking revenue-sharing law known as “Fiscal Disparities” in 1971.  CMAL also supported the coordinated services provided by the fledgling Metropolitan Council.  
