Martin Brown Grant Award Completed

Notification occurred in January that the required follow-up report for the Martin Brown Grant Award had been received, reviewed, and accepted.  $500 in additional funds have been received by Treasurer, Joyce Briggs, bringing the total of Martin Brown Grant monies to LWVRA to $1000.  The Grant funds were used to expand Voter Services Activities in 2018, especially in the area of Community Engagement.

Conversations with Constituents - Questions and Answers

How are our communities and county dealing with transit and infrastructure needs, green initiatives to respond to our changing climate, and budget challenges? These and other key issues came into focus at this year's "Conversations with Constituents" on January 15 at Roseville City Hall.  On hand were mayors from our five cities, four Ramsey county commissioners and two local school board representatives for timely and thoughtful conversations with 60 in attendance, including 38 LWV-RA members!

As we broke out into three groups, topics covered were wide-ranging, including water quality,environment, transit, city comprehensive plans, healthcare challenges, affordable housing, budget challenges and opportunities, and gun safety issues. Here is a link to CTV15's recap of the event.


Help Wanted: Immigration and Work - February 14

Fourth in the six-part Becoming American Series of films and discussions co-hosted with the Shoreview Library and Do Good Roseville; Destination American, film The Golden Door; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Shoreview Library, 4560 N. Victoria St., Shoreview.


January 2019 Voter

The first Voter of 2019 is full of information on past as well as future events.  This issue includes:

  • Information on the Conversations with Constituents event that will be held on January 15
  • A call to participate in two committees 
    • an ad hoc census committee to support the 2020 Census
    • a standing Environmental Subcommittee under the Action/Advocacy umbrella
  • Florence Sprague's article about a recently published book, White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, by Robin DiAngelo. 

Metropolitan Governance Consensus Study - February 19

Is the Metropolitan Council ready for change or is it pretty darn good as it is?  LWV Roseville Area members will meet in February to provide its input to CMAL.  LWV Roseville Area members are encouraged to read the report and consensus questions here before the meeting on February 19, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the Autumn Grove Park Building, corner of Hamline and Lydia, Roseville.  While the consensus meeting is open to the public, only LWV members will be permitted to vote on the consensus questions.  LWV Roseville Area members who are not able to attend the February consensus meeting will be able to participate by mail.  Questions?  Karen Schaffer at


Conversations With Constituents - January 15

What are the issues Ramsey County faces in 2019? How are our communities dealing with education, development, affordable housing, and budget challenges? These questions, among other issues, are the focus of this year's "Conversations with Constituents" on Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Roseville Area. This year's program will be held in the Roseville City Hall Council Chambers, 2660 City Center Drive. Area Mayors, School Board chairs and County Commissioners will be on hand for timely and engaging conversations.

