Voter Resources

Presidential Primary 2020

The Minnesota Secretary of State's office has put together information about the upcoming Presidential Primary.  Due to a change in state law, Minnesota for the first time will hold a presidential primary on March 3, 2020.  You can see all the information provided, including information on absentee and early voting, by going to the MN Secretary of State web page

Early voting begins January 17, 2020.

National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday, September 24

League of Women Voters, Roseville Area, is again offering voter registrations in area high schools.  On National Voter Registration Day, students at RAHS will have the opportunity to register to vote during their lunch periods in the cafeteria.

  •  Be 18 by Election Day, Nov. 5, 2019
  • Present a required ID which is a Drivers License, Permit, or State ID Card
  • If none of the above, know the last 4 digits of one’s Social Security number

* Registering to vote may also be accomplished on-line using or at Early Voting Sites or on the same day at Polling Places.

Martin Brown Grant Award Completed

Notification occurred in January that the required follow-up report for the Martin Brown Grant Award had been received, reviewed, and accepted.  $500 in additional funds have been received by Treasurer, Joyce Briggs, bringing the total of Martin Brown Grant monies to LWVRA to $1000.  The Grant funds were used to expand Voter Services Activities in 2018, especially in the area of Community Engagement.

Election Day Registration

The Minnesota Secretary of State's Office has provided information on what you need to register to vote at your polling place on Election Day..Bring:

  • Valid ID with current name and address; or
  • Photo ID plus a document with your current address; or
  • A registered voter who can confirm your address; or
  • College student ID with housing list; or
  • Valid registr;ation in the precinct; or
  • Notice of late registration; or
  • Staff person of a residential facility

To see all details, click on this link.  Or contact the Office of the Minnestoa Secretary of State at or calll 1-877-600-VOTE

Election 2018 Coverage by Lillie Suburban Newspapers

The Lillie Suburban Newspapers has compiled information on candidates for local elections.  This includes information Mayoral and City Council Candidates for the cities of Little Canada, Maplewood and Roseville.  There is also information about the School Board Candidates in ISD 622 (North St. Paul/Maplewood/Oakdale).  Access the Lillie Suburban Newspapers link here.

The Minnesota Secretary of State's Office has compiled available candidate information for the Candidates running in Lauderdale.  For City Council Candidates, click on this link.  For the information on the Mayoral Candidate, click on this link.
