Voter Resources

Voting Information

The Minnesota Secretary of State's Office contains information that you may find helpful as the General Election nears.  Go to to locate your polling location for the November 6 general election.  There  you can also find a sample of your ballot and a listing of candidates with links to their websites.  Voting is your personal power!  Use it.  Don't waste it.  Be a voter!

LWV Minnesota Offering Text Reminders Related to Voting

The LWV Minnesota is offering text reminders related to voting, including reminders of when early voting begins, candidates who have filed for office and other important dates and information.  To use this service:

  1. In the “To:” box of a new text message, enter 33222
  2. In the “Text Message” box, enter MNvote

LWVRA Is Awarded Martin Brown Grant for Voter Services

LWVRA received notice on June 1st that it had been awarded a Martin Brown Voter Services Grant in the amount of $1000.  The LWV Grant Committee determined awards by reviewing proposed projects, budgeted expenses, treasury balance, local contribution toward voter service, and Education Fund balances (where applicable).  The Grant application was spear-headed by Past President, Rita Mills, and completed in collaboration with June Stewart, Barb Anderson, Joyce Briggs, Cecilia Warner, and Karen Lake. There were 27 Grant applications and $30,352 in funds awarded.

RAHS Voter Registration May 8

The League of Women Voters, Roseville Area, will be offering voter registration to the Roseville Area High School Area students over their lunch periods in the cafeteria on Tuesday, May 8th.  After the March, time to register and vote!  Below are the requirements to register:

  • Be 18 by Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018
  • Be a citizen of the United States and a resident of Minnesota
  • Have a valid ID to show, a MN Drivers’ License, Permit, or a MN ID card number
  • If none of the above ID’s, know the last four digits of your Social Security number

If a Student has a Drivers’ License but forgets it, the Social Security number cannot be used but a registration form may be taken to complete and mail in.  On-line voter registration, as well as same-day registration at the polls are also a means to register.

Fairview Alternative High School Voter Registration May 3

The League of Women Voters, Roseville Area, will be offering voter registration to students and parents on the evening of Thursday, May 3rd, during Family Conferences Night at Fairview Alternative High School.  People are encouraged to register and then Be A Voter!  Below are the requirements to register:

  • Be 18 by Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018
  • Be a citizen of the United States and a resident of Minnesota
  • Have a valid ID to show, a MN Driver's Lilcense, Permit, or a MN ID card number
  • If none of the above IDs, know the last four digits of your Social Security number

If a person has a Driver's License but forgets it, the Social Security number cannot be used, but a registration form may be taken to complete and mail in.  On-line voter registrations, as well as same-day registration at the polls are also a means to register.

How To Run A Successful Candidate Forum by Linda McLoon

Both the motivation and goals for running a candidate forum is to provide the public a chance to hear candidates, face to face, answer questions about issues that are important to them. This requires several things to fall into place: the agreement by all or at least the majority of candidates to participate, a sufficient audience so that they can generate these questions, and a good moderator. There are a number of items on the “to-do” list to ensure that all three things occur.
