Voter Resources

ISD 623 School Board Candidate Forum October 7, 2021 7:00 pm

LWVRA will sponsor a forum on October 7, 7:00 p.m. for the School Board candidates. The forum will be moderated by League member Florence Sprague. Due to COVID-19 precautions, there will be no in-person audience. The forum will be broadcast by NineNorth on cable channel 15 or 859 HD, and live streamed and available for playback on For on-demand viewing, Candidate Speak-Out and Forum videos will be located at You may submit questions to be asked of candidates to by end of day, Wednesday, October 6.

Facts About Voter Records and Voter Validation

During this challenging time of claims of fraud in Elections, both in MN and nation-wide, it is helpful to have accurate information from authentic sources for oneself and to share and dispel falsehoods.  Provided for you from the MN Secretary of State’s Office are overviews of how voter records in MN are updated and how voter registrations are validated.  In addition, sites for discerning truth in media are offered:

2020 Candidate Forums In September Videos Available

Previously Recorded Candidate Forum links:   


Upcoming Election Information 2020

1.  Absentee Ballots are mailed out and able to be returned by a prepaid bulk postage rate which is less costly, because of the volume, than each having a first-class stamp.  The Post Office confirmed on Friday, Aug. 14th, that there is NO DIFFERENCE in the speed of delivery.

2.  The specific impact of Federal changes to Post Office funding and operation are unknown at this time.

3.  The recently issued consent decree that removed the witness requirement for registered voters to supply on their Absentee Ballots for the Nov. Election and also extended the deadline by seven days for Ballots postmarked by Election Day, Nov. 3rd, to be received in one’s local Elections Office is no longer being challenged.  It is in effect for this election.

Vote 411 is the site for answers to voting and election questions as well as a source of information on candidates running for local Minnesota and state-wide public office. It is a resource provided by the League of Women Voters.  Sherry Hood is the LWV of Roseville Area member in charge of soliciting and submitting candidate questions. All are encouraged to use for learning about candidates and to become better informed voters.


The May/June Voter contained tips when writing advocacy letters. League members are reminded that when writing letters, sending emails or texts, or making phone calls, they are speaking as individuals, not for the League (they should not mention that they are League members in their communication).  Only the president speaks in the name of the League.  

If you would like to participate in advocacy at the national or state level as a League member, consider adding your name to "action alerts" that will come to your inbox and identify prioritized pending legislative issues that need your support. 

What You Need to Know About the New Presidential Nomination Primary

Date: March 3, 2020 (early voting by mail and in person begins January 17, 2020)

Polling Place Hours: 7 am-8 pm most locations. Check for exceptions at

Location: Find your polling place and learn how to vote early in person or by mail at

Why: To vote for a major party candidate for President of the United States

Early Voting Locations:  Ramsey County has provided a list of places to vote early in person:

Minnesota Precinct Caucuses

Minnesota's precinct caucuses will be held on February 25, 2020 at 7 pm.  Precinct caucuses are meetings organized by political parties to endorse candidates and build party platforms prior to general elections.  You can find where your local precinct caucus will be held by using the Precinct Finder Tool at

The League of Women Voters of Minnesota has created a document that describes the precinct process.  A link to the document can be found here.
