
The 2020 Census, Redistricting and Reform, February 16, 2021

Paul Huffman, our presenter, made a pdf of his PowerPoint presentation available to us.  You will find it here.  If you were unable to attend the event life, you can view a recording of the event made by Ramsey County Library.  Click on this link.

Join us for this presentation where Paul Huffman, LWVMN Redistricting Coordinator, will give an overview of the legal requirements for redistricting, how it has historically been done in Minnesota, the potential for political manipulation and how Minnesotans can be involved in ensuring that the new maps are fair. This Zoom presentation on Tuesday, February 16, 7 - 8:30 pm is co-hosted by LWVRA and Ramsey County Library Roseville, Register at


Conversations With Constituents - January 21, 2021

The League of Women Voters of Roseville Area hosted its annual Conversations with Constituents on Thursday, January 21, in which local elected officials (county commissioners and legislators) joined League members and guests for informal group discussions of current topics of import in our communities.  

Our questions and challenges were given thoughtful and informed answers from 10 legislators and county commissioners as they lead our communities and state through Minnesota's recovery through the next year and beyond. Our first-ever Zoom Conversations was a success because of the engagement of our members!
The evening was recorded and is available here, so if you missed part or all of our dialogues, or if you wish to share it with a friend, you can access it any time. 


CMAL Panel Discussion on County Government - January 9, 2021

The Council of Metropolitan League of Women Voteres (CMAL) will present a panel discussion on January 9, 2021, 10:00-11:30 a.m.  The topic is Metro Area County Government, and the panel will feature Jan Callison, former Hennepin County Commissioner; Lisa Weik, Washington County Commissioner, and Matt Smith, Dakota County Administrator. They will discuss current issues in county government, including the effects of the pandemic, relationship with the Met Council, and efforts at transparency, accountability, and community engagement.


COVID-19: Urgent Lessons for Public Health Reform - Video Available -November 17, 2020

If you were unable to join us on November 17 for this informative event, here is the link to the video recorded by Ramsey County Library-Roseville:

Join us on November 17th 6:30 - 8:00 pm on Zoom to focus on health policy lessons COVID-19 provides. Our current system is ill-prepared. People are losing employer coverage on top of those who are already without coverage. The pandemic points to the need for a system that addresses health disparities and covers everyone, without exception-a system that plans ahead to address public health needs efficiently. Co-sponsored by LWV Roseville Area and Ramsey County Library - Roseville.  Zoom meeting hosted by Ramsey County Library- Roseville.  Register in advance at:  


Dr. Josie Johnson - Hope in the Struggle - September 16, 2020

As part of our year-long celebration of 100 years of the League of Women Voters, our League invited Dr. Josie Johnson and her co-author Carolyn Holbrook to speak at our Wednesday, September 16 meeting 6:30 - 8 pm. Due to personal circumstances, Dr. Johnson is unavailable to attend, but we are fortunate that Holbrook will cover both Dr. Johnson’s book as well as her own newly released book, Tell Me Your Names and I Will Testify. Both books are published by the University of Minnesota Press and are pertinent to our League anniversary and the times we live in, where we must continue fighting for voting and civil rights. This Zoom meeting is co-hosted by the Ramsey County Library - Roseville.

Here is a link to view the program in its entirely:


October Mental Health Book Talk - October 20, 2020

Here is a link to the video of this event recorded by Ramsey County Library:

League member Mindy Greiling’s memoir, Fix What You Can: Schizophrenia and a Lawmaker’s Fight for Her Son, will be the topic of discussion at the Tuesday, Oct. 20 League meeting. The book, which launches in October and is published by the University of Minnesota Press, chronicles her family's experience and legislative work in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

Sue Abderholden, executive director for NAMI Minnesota (National Alliance on Mental Illness), Minnesota’s largest provider of family and public education and support and the state’s strongest advocacy organization, will provide additional remarks about the book and our mental health system.

The meeting is co-sponsored by the Ramsey County Library - Roseville and NAMI Ramsey. League member Florence Sprague will moderate.  Registration at:


Talking About Race Series - Every Other Thursday 2020

 Beginning August 6 through October 29, 7-8:30 pm via Zoom.  LWV Roseville Area, Do Good Roseville and the Ramsey County Library are hosting a series of discussions called "Talking about Race" from the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History & Culture (  To register for the event on August 6, go to: rcleads. Each session is limited to 25 participants. Here are the dates and topics of discussion:

