
Good Neighborhoods: Real Life Mr. Rogers 1 – September 23, 2021

Everyone wants to live in a good neighborhood but what makes a good neighborhood? Who has access to them? What happens when some don’t have access to a "good" neighborhood? How do we sustain good neighborhoods?

The recording for the September 23 program - Part 1 of the Real Life Mister Rogers series co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters Roseville Area, Do Good Roseville and Ramsey County Library's Zoom platform, is now online if you missed it or want to watch it again: Feel free to share this recording link.



Brews & Book Reviews - July 21, 2021

It’s turning into a tradition! The 5th annual LWV of Roseville Area Brews and Book Reviews event is scheduled for Wednesday, July 21, beginning at 6:30 p.m. While we went virtual last year and had to raid our  respective coolers for a brew, this year we have reserved a room for the event at High Pines Brewing Company (, located at 2704 Snelling Ave. North in Roseville (the former Joe’s Crab Shack location).  Craft beers and non-alcoholic drinks from the brewery and a variety of food items from Tipsy Steer ( are available for purchase.


Doing All We Can Today to Make Our Cities More Sustainable Tomorrow - June 3, 2021

Ramsey County Library has provided us with a link to the recording of this program. Here is the link:

Want to recognize Earth Day without leaving home? Join us for an environmental forum with the Mayors from Falcon Heights, Lauderdale, Little Canada, Maplewood, and Roseville. Hear about actions taken the five area Cities to address climate change and implement their 2040 Comprehensive Plans and ask your questions. This event is sponsored by the Ramsey County Library and League of Women Voters of the Roseville Area. This event June 3, 2021, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. is hosted on the Ramsey County Library's Zoom platform. 

Equitable Representation Consensus Meeting - May 24, 2021

The study team for “Equitable Representation in City Commissions and Boards” invites all League members to provide feedback to arrive at consensus as the next step in the study process. This year-long study includes research on the composition, recruitment, orientation, and role of City Council-appointed commissioners and a report. The goal of this study was to identify current practices and suggestions/best practices in equitable representation for Boards and Commissions appointed by the City Councils of Falcon Heights, Lauderdale, Little Canada, Maplewood, and Roseville. Here is the attached letter and report. (A print copy has been sent to members who traditionally receive print materials.) After hearing a summary presentation and participating in discussion, members will have the opportunity to vote on the following question: "Should LWVRA recommend that our cities’ boards and commissions broadly reflect the diversity of their population, including race, ethnicity, gender, income, age, and other aspects of diversity?"

Please participate via Zoom on Monday, May 24, 7:00 p.m. at this link:

Annual Report and 68th Annual Meeting May 4, 2021

Greetings, Fellow Leaguers!

Once again this year's Annual Meeting will be held on the Zoom platform.  In anticipation of the meeting we have prepared our Annual Report  This year has been a full year of Zoom meetings and no in-person contact with our colleagues.  While we miss seeing your faces, we have been able to advance the programs and issues important to all of us.  The report details all the activities we have participated in. 

The Annual Report can be viewed here. The action items for this year's meeting consist of:

CMAL Annual Meeting and Program - May 8, 2021

The Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues of Women Voters (CMAL) 2021 Annual Meeting and Program will be held on May 8, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Program guest speakers: Anoka County Commissioner Mandy Meisner and Ramsey County Commissioner Victoria Reinhardt. Topic: County Government Visibility and Accountability. The business meeting will follow immediately after the program.


Discrimination in Housing Opportunities - Redlining March 23, 2021

Ramsey County Library has provided us with a link to the recording of this program.  This was a not-to-miss informative program.  Here is the link to view it. 

Join us on Tuesday, March 23 7:00 -8:30 PM for a discussion on Discrimination in Housing Opportunities:Redlining and Racial Covenants Then and Now. Co-hosted with Ramsey County Library Roseville, Kirsten Delegard, co-founder of Mapping Prejudice and Kari Collins, Ramsey County Community and Economic Development Director will help us understand how racial covenants were used in the past to discriminate, how the impacts of this discrimination still manifest today and what current barriers to equitable home ownership may be.


The 2020 Census, Redistricting and Reform, February 16, 2021

Paul Huffman, our presenter, made a pdf of his PowerPoint presentation available to us.  You will find it here.  If you were unable to attend the event life, you can view a recording of the event made by Ramsey County Library.  Click on this link.

Join us for this presentation where Paul Huffman, LWVMN Redistricting Coordinator, will give an overview of the legal requirements for redistricting, how it has historically been done in Minnesota, the potential for political manipulation and how Minnesotans can be involved in ensuring that the new maps are fair. This Zoom presentation on Tuesday, February 16, 7 - 8:30 pm is co-hosted by LWVRA and Ramsey County Library Roseville, Register at

