
May - June 2022 Voter

In this latest issue of the Voter, find articles about:

  • Electric Vehicle Fair, June 21
  • Plastic Challenge - household products we can consider modifying/eliminating from our plastic diet
  • Windows and Mirrors for All article titled Cotton, by Florence Sprague 
  • Roseville School Board request for feedback and ideas

April 2022 Voter

This month's issue of The Voter is packed with information, including:

  • President Barb Barany’s article on the work being done by many of our committees
  •  A thought-provoking article Moral Silhouette by Florence Sprague
  • Two environmental articles encouraging ways for us to go green and what we can do about the plastic crisis
  • Voter Services opportunities for League members to become involved in furthering the League mission of Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
  • Who is our first LWV of Roseville Area Student Scholarship Recipient?

And much more!

March 2022 Voter

The latest issue of the Voter includes articles about:

  • The upcoming March 15 program Shoot Suffrage to Death: A Short History of Race, Violence, and the Right to Vote
  • Upwardly Mobile? article by Florence Sprague about the challenges strivers face
  • Plastic Crisis: Recycle What You Can - a helpful informative article
  • Climate Emergency: So Much to Lose as Minnesota cities are passing Climate Emergency resolutions or declarations

February 2022 Voter

In this issue of the Voter you will find articles about:

  • Consensus: Are Our Cities ADA Accessible?
  • A thought-provoking article, (Ex)Termination, by Florence Sprague
  • A recap of the January "Conversations with Constituents"
  • What is The Plastic Crisis Challenge for this month?

January 2022 Voter

The Voter is attached with upcoming programs and articles on:

  • Conversations with Constituents, January 20, with our city mayors/council member
  • Two Signs by Florence Sprague
  • Learning about the consensus opportunities coming up for members
  • The Plastics Crisis Challenge
  • Dipping your toes into Minnesota legislative waters – see Action/Advocacy

November - December 2021 Voter

The November/December Voter is attached. In it you will find...

  • A thought-provoking article on language by Florence Sprague
  • An invitation to League members to gather socially in December
  • An update by the Environmental Subcommittee about the LWVMN Climate Change Task Force
  • Information on the upcoming November 16 program Growing Diversity in Local Leadership 

October 2021 Voter

Included in this month’s issue of the Voter:

  • Willkommen, Bienvenue, Salâm article by Florence Sprague
  • LWVRA Student Scholarships offered
  • How PFAS have become a big part of our lives  
  • Barb Anderson’s article on Alternative News Sources
  • Voter Registration Volunteer Opportunities

September 2021 Voter

The September Voter is here! In this issue you will find:

  • A schedule of programs planned for the Fall, including information on the upcoming September panel exploring racial equity in communities - Good Neighborhoods: Beyond Mr. Rogers Part I
  • An article by Florence Sprague, It’s Not a Trick, that shows we are never too old to embrace learning or move big ideas forward
  • An opportunity to share thoughts and brainstorm about our use of a diversity, equity and inclusive lens in work we do in League
  • An informative message from our President Barb Barany

July - August 2021 Voter

This issue of The Voter contains many articles, including:

  • Recap of LWV State Convention with highlights from President Barb Barany’s speech, the Peggy Thompson Award, and the discussion and voting on whether to concur with the LWV of Utah’s position on Death with Dignity
  • Florence Sprague’s column on Matthew Desmond’s study on Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City
  • Just what is the LWV UMRR ILO you ask? See Sherry Hoods article on this important organization
  • Member Spotlight on Barb Anderson

May - June 2021 Voter

The May/June issue of The Voter is attached. Included are articles about:

  • Environmental Forum with our Mayors to hear about actions taken by our five area cities to address climate change
  • Florence Sprague’s essay Burdens Borne, with two perspectives on things carried by soldiers and shooting victims
  • City of Roseville considering the issue of organized trash hauling
  • League Study on Equitable Representation in City Commissions and Boards May 24 virtual consensus meeting
