Conversations with Constituents - January 20, 2022

Representation in City Governance.  The changing demographics of our communities means that elected and appointed leaders are provided with great opportunities and also some challenges. Join the League of Women Voters Roseville Area (LWVRA) on Thursday, January 20 at 6:30 p.m. as we continue our focus on diversity in local governance in conversations with the mayors of Falcon Heights, Lauderdale, Little Canada, Maplewood and Roseville.

Windows and Mirrors - Two Should Be Greater Than One - Florence Sprague - November/December 2021

English, English, English. It is the language of common parlance in the United States and is traditionally considered beneficial for economic success worldwide. But there is another aspect for immigrant families. When learning English comes at the cost of not learning the language of your parents and grandparents, there is profound loss. Loss of connection to elders, culture, identity, history, community…

In Europe it is not uncommon for people to be bilingual, or multi-lingual. English is often the second or third language. It does not erase the other languages, nor does speaking German, French, or Czech as a first language prevent the learning of English. In Africa many people speak multiple languages, a mix of local and colonial. It is not an inherent limitation of the human brain to speak or understand only one form of communication. What is it about the United States that makes bilingualism so difficult to sustain?

November - December 2021 Voter

The November/December Voter is attached. In it you will find...

  • A thought-provoking article on language by Florence Sprague
  • An invitation to League members to gather socially in December
  • An update by the Environmental Subcommittee about the LWVMN Climate Change Task Force
  • Information on the upcoming November 16 program Growing Diversity in Local Leadership 

Real Life Mister Rogers 2: Welcoming Neighbors October 21, 2021

If you missed this program or would like to watch it again, the Ramsey County Library has provided a link to the recording:

Neighbors change over time. When new neighbors also bring a new heritage, bridging cultural differences can be challenging. Longtime residents may be anxious that they may say or do the "wrong" thing. The panel for this program will tackle practical strategies to become welcoming neighbors and building strong and diverse neighborhoods.


October 2021 Voter

Included in this month’s issue of the Voter:

  • Willkommen, Bienvenue, Salâm article by Florence Sprague
  • LWVRA Student Scholarships offered
  • How PFAS have become a big part of our lives  
  • Barb Anderson’s article on Alternative News Sources
  • Voter Registration Volunteer Opportunities

Windows and Mirrors - Willkommen, Bienvenue, Salam - Florence Sprague - October 2021

One of my sisters taught German at a private school for decades. She is a fluent speaker of German and knowledgeable about the minutiae of German grammar. In retirement, and particularly during the COVID-19 lockdown, she has been trading German lessons for Spanish lessons with another retired colleague who taught Spanish. They meet on Zoom to speak, and give one another practice exercises and options for exploration on DuoLingo. I admire her for even taking on this enterprise.

What is interesting is that despite being an expert at one foreign language, and despite having had some Spanish in high school, she often complains that she just can’t seem to remember all of the new vocabulary she is supposed to be learning. Not long ago she remarked that she has a new sympathy with older immigrants trying to learn English and struggling. Ahhh.

School Referendum - Be Informed

While the November 2 elections may feel a long way off, early voting began September 17, therefore it isn’t too early to begin researching what may be on your ballot.. One item on most local ballots will be a Roseville School District Operating Referendum.  LWV does not support candidates or issues, however the League does advocate being informed. An efficient way to learn about the ISD 623 “Operating Levy 2021” is to view this video: .

ISD 623 School Board Candidate Forum October 7, 2021 7:00 pm

LWVRA will sponsor a forum on October 7, 7:00 p.m. for the School Board candidates. The forum will be moderated by League member Florence Sprague. Due to COVID-19 precautions, there will be no in-person audience. The forum will be broadcast by NineNorth on cable channel 15 or 859 HD, and live streamed and available for playback on For on-demand viewing, Candidate Speak-Out and Forum videos will be located at You may submit questions to be asked of candidates to by end of day, Wednesday, October 6.
