Windows and Mirrors - Attitudes by Florence Sprague, March 2018
The most disabling thing in our lives is the thing we can do the most about: our attitude. - Jeff Smith, aka Amazing Jeffo, blind magician
You may have seen the athletic wear t-shirts exhorting the wearer to get “attitude” so as to be a winner. We always have an attitude. It can be good or bad, positive or negative, kind or cruel, but we always have an attitude.
Everyone faces challenges. Some are physical and more obvious than others, but as advice columnist, Amy Dickinson, has noted, “Life does not evenly distribute its hardships and joys, and so you should stop keeping score.” We all have challenges and can hopefully seek support and guidance in working through them and respect the choices others make in dealing with theirs.
Being gifted with a strong body and a clear and able mind can be a type of disability. It lulls one into complacency and dulls one’s creativity because the world is set up for those able of body and mind. But if you are seeking a dose of inspiration look to the phenomenal accomplishments of so many people with major physical disabilities, some congenital and others due to the traumas of war or accident. Where the able-bodied might think, “How could I go on without my____?” Those who have lost their ____ often think, “How can I optimize my use of what I have and adapt activities and equipment to open up opportunities?” You need go no further than the 2017 British Arrow Awards Commercial of the Year promoting the 2016 Paralympics for a jaw-dropping collection of accomplishments. View the commercial here: Physical disability doesn’t stop these athletes, musicians, and performers. They have the will, the attitude, to find a way.
Bias, pro or con, is an attitude. Being open to humor in any situation is an attitude. Creatively seeking solutions is an attitude. Fear creates an attitude. What attitude do you have? What one would you like to have? Our attitudes can limit or disable us on a daily basis. For example we may:
- Not try new experiences because we fear looking foolish.
- Miss out on knowing wonderful people just because they are not just like us.
- Sell ourselves short and give up dreams when faced with a roadblock.
- Discriminate against others and miss out on their talents and contributions.
- Perpetuate unfounded stereotypes or just not step up to break the cycle.
- Suffer despair and depression alone because we think we are flawed or not worth help.
- Isolate others and fail to help them overcome mental illness or addiction because we judge them.
- Be uncooperative and unsympathetic as we try to get our fair share of things.
We can disable ourselves and our communities through our attitude. Life can get you down. We all need a helping hand from time to time. Don’t be afraid to seek the help you need and may your attitude be with you and not against you.