Equitable Representation Consensus Meeting - May 24, 2021
The study team for “Equitable Representation in City Commissions and Boards” invites all League members to provide feedback to arrive at consensus as the next step in the study process. This year-long study includes research on the composition, recruitment, orientation, and role of City Council-appointed commissioners and a report. The goal of this study was to identify current practices and suggestions/best practices in equitable representation for Boards and Commissions appointed by the City Councils of Falcon Heights, Lauderdale, Little Canada, Maplewood, and Roseville. Here is the attached letter and report. (A print copy has been sent to members who traditionally receive print materials.) After hearing a summary presentation and participating in discussion, members will have the opportunity to vote on the following question: "Should LWVRA recommend that our cities’ boards and commissions broadly reflect the diversity of their population, including race, ethnicity, gender, income, age, and other aspects of diversity?"
Please participate via Zoom on Monday, May 24, 7:00 p.m. at this link: https://lwvmn-org.zoom.us/j/93171333608?pwd=Yi9mSHRCSGtlbEdXQU5qNzkrRm1hZz09.